Abdel Fatah Al Kasri

Media Maker


Birthdate of Abdel Fatah Al Kasri
Deathdate of Abdel Fatah Al Kasri

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IMDB Person Abdel Fatah Al Kasri
IMDB Person Page


Role Actor Abdel Fatah Al Kasri
16080 in Return of the Magic Hat
16080 in Shamshoon wa Libleb
The Boss Madbouly in Bein edeik
16080 in Victims of Love
16080 in The Suspect
Yunis in If I Were Rich
16080 in His Highness Wishes to Marry
Ahmed in Mr. Bahbah
16080 in Abu Zarifa
16080 in Congratulations
Prince Antr in Something About Nothing
16080 in The Boss' Daughter
16080 in The Divorce of Lady Suad
16080 in People's Gossip
16080 in A Large Family
16080 in Some Are Bright
Rashwan in The Eve of the Wedding
Katkot in Miss Hanafi
16080 in Have Mercy
16080 in The Cheat
Hanafi in Son of Hamido
Abdulfattah in Ismail Yassine fil madhaf el shami
16080 in Ismail Yassine Meets Raya and Sekina
Neighbor (undertaker) in The Heart Has Its Reasons
The boss Antar in My Happiest Days
16080 in Ismail Yassine in the Mental Hospital
Chahine El Zalat in Lady Sukkar
Hanafi in Girls from the Sea


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