Bessie Barriscale

Media Maker


Birthdate of Bessie Barriscale
Deathdate of Bessie Barriscale

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IMDB Person Bessie Barriscale
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Role Actor Bessie Barriscale
Grace Tyler in Ready Money
Juanita Castro in Rose of the Rancho
Helen Fiske in The Cup of Life
Isabella Zanden in The Devil
Lillian Hillary in The Golden Claw
Doris Willard in The Mating
Irene Brock in The Painted Soul
Countess Olga in Bullets and Brown Eyes
Margery Allison in The Green Swamp
Winnie Mallory in Honor's Altar
Grace Tyler in Not My Sister
Phyllis Page in The Payment
Jane, 'The Orphint' in Plain Jane
Janice Salsbury in The Hater of Men
Pampy in Wooden Shoes
Jeanne Beaufort in Madam Who?
Ariel in Maid o' the Storm
Virginia Singleton in Rose o' Paradise
Thisbe Lorraine in Within the Cup
Sheka in Her Purchase Price
Margaret Wayne in Tangled Threads
Anna Gerard in A Trick of Fate
Mira Sacky in The Woman Michael Married
Muriel Chester in Life's Twist
Geraldine Laird in The Luck of Geraldine Laird
Mary Ware in The Notorious Mrs. Sands
Ruth Marshall in The Breaking Point
Aurora Lane in The Broken Gate
Norma Brisbane in All of a Sudden Norma
Barbara 'Bawbs' Colby in Bawbs O' Blue Ridge
Shamrock in A Corner in Colleens
Beatrice in The Sorrows of Love
Ethel Duprey in The Last Act
Nora in Borrowed Plumage
Helen Dean in The Snarl
Dorothy Warner in Those Who Pay
Peggy Muldoon in Blindfolded
Pansy May in The Cast-Off
Rachael in The Heart of Rachael
Marquita Shay in Beckoning Roads
Robin Cameron in Patriotism
Betty Craig in Two-Gun Betty
Dorothy Kingsley in The White Lie
Ellen Latimer Josselyn in Josselyn's Wife
Dr. Kitty Kelly in Kitty Kelly, M.D.
Madge Graham in A Woman Who Understood
Nancy in Hearts Asleep
Bessie Wheaton in Home
Mary Lee in A Trick of Fate
Tina Pierce in Life's Twist
Marion Dean in The Snarl


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