Carlyle Blackwell

Media Maker


Birthdate of Carlyle Blackwell
Deathdate of Carlyle Blackwell

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IMDB Person Carlyle Blackwell
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Movie Maker

Producer Carlyle Blackwell
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Role Actor Carlyle Blackwell
Frederick Marston in The Key to Yesterday
Champneys Carter in The Man Who Could Not Lose
Bruce Morson in The Spitfire
King Stephen in Such a Little Queen
Dr. John Arnold in The Case of Becky
Jim Warren in The High Hand
Donald Gordon in The Last Chapter
Richard Lane in Mr. Grex of Monte Carlo
Bob Carewe in The Puppet Crown
Lt. Dodd in The Secret Orchard
Paul Taylor in Sally in Our Alley
Howard Stanton in A Woman's Way
William Lewis in The Burglar
Brand Cameron in The Crimson Dove
Jack Burkshaw in The Good for Nothing
Richard Marlowe in The Marriage Market
Bradford Stewart in On Dangerous Ground
Alan Winthrop in The Page Mystery
David in The Price of Pride
John Dean in The Social Leper
Hugh Eltinge in A Square Deal
Bryan Goodwin in Youth
Bobby Briggs in The Beloved Blackmailer
Charles de la Fontaine - Marquis d'Aubeterre in The Golden Wall
Jack Christie in His Royal Highness
Kid Kelly in Hitting the Trail
Charles Trevor in Leap to Fame
Tom Whitney in The Road to France
Lt. Dennis Gaveston in Stolen Orders
Robert Barr in The Way Out
Charles Conant in Love in a Hurry
Paul Arden in Three Green Eyes
Oswald Grismer in The Restless Sex
Luke Halliday in The Third Woman
Captain Hugh Drummond in Bulldog Drummond
Lord Robert Dudley in The Virgin Queen
Gaston de Nerac in The Beloved Vagabond
Sheik Hanan in Shadow of Egypt
Leo Vincy in She
Sir Hargrave Wendever in Monte Carlo
Ambrose Barney in The Wrecker
Dietrich Hebburn in The Crooked Billet
Sherlock Holmes in The Hound of the Baskervilles
Jim Campbell in Beyond the Cities
Harry Ford, as an adult in The New South
Harrington Surtaine in The Clarion
Howard Barton in His Brother's Wife
Ned in The Shadow of a Doubt
Dane Ashley in Beyond the Wall
Frederic Pritchard in By Hook or Crook
Alexander Hamilton in The Beautiful Mrs. Reynolds
Ned Lorrimer in The Cabaret
Anthony 'Tony' Douglas in Courage for Two
Philip Ellsworth in One of the Best
J. Butterfield 'Butts' Conroy in Hit or Miss
Tom Forty in The Rolling Road
16080 in The Uncanny Room
Robert Anglo-Saxon in The Key to Yesterday
William in The Price of Pride
Paragot in The Beloved Vagabond
Kallikrates in She
Calvin Douglas in Courage for Two


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