Jacques Bonnaffé

Media Maker


Birthdate of Jacques Bonnaffé

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IMDB Person Jacques Bonnaffé
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Role Actor Jacques Bonnaffé
Joseph in First Name: Carmen
Film director in She Spent So Many Hours Under the Sun Lamps
Claude in Escalier C
Adrien in Le meilleur de la vie
Bruno in La tentation d'Isabelle
Antoine in The Secret Wife
Tiago in O Desejado
Jacky in Résidence surveillée
André Gravey in Baptême
Pierre in Blancs cassés
Hippolyte in La campagne de Cicéron
Simon in Les enfants du vent
Paul in Couples et amants
Hervé in Capitaine au long cours
François in Jeanne and the Perfect Guy
Jacques in Venus Beauty Institute
Couperin in The Happiest Place on Earth
Maxime in Innocent
Jacques Gravet in Les frères Gravet
Doran in The Devils
Fontanet in The Art of Breaking Up
Le commandant Amado in Itinéraires
Starbuck in Captain Ahab
André in The Feelings Factory
Le cycliste in As Happy as Possible
Auguste Lemaître in Des Indes à la planète Mars
Marlo in Around a Small Mountain
Paul in Behind the Walls
Rodin in L'improbable rencontre
Jean-Pascal in Jean Pascal pour la France
Le père de Céline in My Name Is Hmmm...
Narrator in Ce qui nous reste
16080 in J'avais 15 ans
Souvoirine in Anton Chekhov 1890
16080 in Daring to Strike Under the Occupation: May - June 1941
16080 in Silent Streams
Bank Guard in First Name: Carmen
Capitaine Hervé in Capitaine au long cours


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